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Quick Tips!
With winter approaching in our part of the hemisphere, here's a fun exercise that can make a painter fall in love with those drab grays we will be living with for a while. It's another refurb post from four years ago, but something that I love
playing with during the winter months.
On the left is the image I saw in my back yard. On the right is a computer-tweaked version where I raised slightly the saturation (intensity) of the hue. We painters can use any drab subject and create from it an intriguing and expressive
painting by ramping up the intensity a bit.
• Mix three values of those neutrals the way you see them
• From each of those colors, create an intensity (saturation) scale
• Move to either the left or the right of the original neutral on the scales and select a new palette of colors. That would be your gamut. (See Quick Tip 451)
You might even try revving up your gamut choices by moving a bit further towards higher saturation on either side of the scales. Playing with several studies where each one uses a different combination from the scale could expand for you new
possibilities for all your paintings.
Enjoy an colorful weekend!
Happy Painting,
During my Language of Painting series, I explained the role of our visual elements. If you'd like to review those roles to better understand the behavior of elements, here are the links to each of those
discussions: Color --Value -- Shape -- Texture -- Size -- Line and Direction
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