Scattered throughout my several decades of teaching are stories I've heard from my students about how they dropped painting altogether because some teacher told them they didn't have what it takes or because of some brutal criticism they got from another artist. So many times, competition judges are guilty of that. I've also witnessed the tragedy of artists muting their true voices in exchange for acceptance. All human beings are vulnerable in that regard. We witness politicians doing it so often it can seem normal. That is the theme of a video my videographer, Roger, recently discovered and shared with me. After seeing it, my first thought was to share it with you. It's only eight minutes long, but certainly full of food for thought. Have a weekend of celebrating your own voice! During my Language of Painting series, I explained the role of our visual elements. If you'd like to review those roles to better understand the behavior of elements, here are the links to each of those
discussions: Color --Value -- Shape -- Texture -- Size -- Line and Direction
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