One of the most rewarding things about being an artist is watching an idea make its appearance before my eyes as I stroke the brush across the canvas. Too many emerging painters are so intent on getting the image right that they lose that sense of play and discovery, so much so that they might not see when something amazing is
Personally, play occupies a major role in my own artistic growth.
My old Webster's New World Dictionary (from my undergrad days in the early 60's) has eight inches, single column, small print on
the word play. My favorite words among those loaded lines are "to move freely, to have fun, amuse oneself..." I was doing all three in "Just Before Sundown" (below). This time I was playing with light.
What too many forget is that play that can happen--should happen-- long before the painting begins. Creating this habit can
flow into our paintings, and our sketchbooks are an ideal playground. In these are dozens of blank pages where we can do whatever we please and nobody has to see. We scribble in them, paint, write, collage, scratch, fumble, meander, explore and do whatever keeps us playful and makes us want to do more.
Here is the perfect place to ask the question:
"What would happen if I"...
- an image in the center and found a way to make it work?
- an entire street scene study with purple and orange?
- ...fill the page with overlapping letters and place different values in the shapes they create?
- ...set up a still life of flowers and used blue everywhere I see green?
- a complete drawing without picking up my pencil from the paper?
- a drawing of a corner of my room without looking at the paper?
- ...gradate where I see contrast?
- ...contrast where I see gradation?
Your turn.
Think of your own playful question, one that would be fun for you to play with, then click on the button below and share it. I
will publish these in next week's Saturday Newsletter Tips.
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